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Operation Restored Warrior’s purpose is to introduce veterans who have experienced the destructive effects of combat to the healing power of Jesus, and to see veteran warriors, their families, friends and communities discover their purpose in life. For more than a thousand veterans, Operation Restored Warrior has stepped into the gap, RESCUING, REBUILDING and RESTORING our most at-risk veterans. Are you a veteran struggling with the long-term effects of combat? Are you the loved one of a veteran, perhaps a spouse, parent, sibling or friend? Or, are you a person of resources and influence who is passionate about making an impact in the lives of these men and women? Then, ORW is for you.

Our Heroes Dreams
We are an all volunteer veterans and first responders non profit helping provide an avenue for those struggling to transition from military and public service back into civilian status. Our bootcamps and retreats help the family unit become one while helping find a new mission to replace the old mission. Our goal is to help our warriors find their way from suicidal thoughts and attempts or a slow numbing death from living inside the bottle, to their new life with a complete makeover and accompanying business plan for their new life mission. Ultimately, helping lower the 22 a day suicide rate, one family at a time! All of our counselors have been there and understand what it’s like to live in the bottle or to be so numb they can’t escape the couch. All of our counselors understand that the deadliest battlefield our warriors face is the HomeFront Battlefield and vow to never leave another brother or sister behind! We offer a four phase program for our warriors and their families!

Operation 300
The heart of Operation 300 is to take care of Gold and White Star Families and honor the sacrifice that has been made by their family member in service to our country. Op300’s founding program is Gold Star Kids Camps. The camps provide an opportunity to participate in activities that embody the spirit of adventure that characterized the lives of their absent parent while fostering a culture of courage, strength, freedom, endurance, honor, and Godly morality that has been embodied by fearless patriots throughout the history of our American Republic. Op300 also offers Gold Star Father Retreats, where fathers who have lost a child have a time of bonding, adventure activities, and healing. Founded in honor of SOC (SEAL) Aaron Vaughn who was KIA on Aug. 6th 2011 in the shoot down of Extortion 17. Op300 continues to look for opportunities to care for and expand opportunities to care for those families that have given their best to protect our country’s freedom.

The Mesothelioma Center
The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com provides resources for veterans regarding asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer. Asbestos was widely used by all branches of the military, resulting in a high number of mesothelioma claims from veterans. We offer free resources, including one-on-one consultations with top-quality doctors, and assistance with filing claims for asbestos exposure. Our goal is to help veterans access the information and support they need to navigate this challenging situation.